Thursday, November 6, 2008

Code Pink, Obama Finance Bundler, Wants Iraq Reparations

Via, Gateway Pundit: Code Pink, the radical antiwar group which pledged to raise more than $50,000 for the Barack Obama campaign, has issued a statement of demands for U.S. policy on Iraq and beyond:

An Obama victory is a victory for the peace movement. It sends a message to the political establishment that being against war is the winning position. War is SO Over. American voters have recognized the costs-lives lost, international cooperation thwarted, and tax dollars squandered-and chosen the candidate who promised to end the Iraq war and to use diplomacy first....

What do we want from an Obama Administration and a Democratic-controlled Congress? We want an end to the occupation of Iraq and reparations for its people. We don't want the troops from Iraq shipped straight to another losing war in Afghanistan. We want a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan. We want a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Iran. We want the restoration of our civil liberties and the protection of our environment. We want money to bail out homeowners who are in foreclosure because of predatory lenders. We want a NEW New Deal for America: jobs, housing, universal health care, education, roads, public transportation….We want a government that puts the needs of people ahead of the profits of banks and corporations.
Reparations for Iraqis?

I've been writing about this all year, and
radical lefties have called me crazy. We'll see who's crazy in due time. Meanwhile, see my earlier essay, "Activist Groups Prepare for Left-Wing Democratic Takeover."

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