Thursday, March 5, 2009

Check Out Suzanna Logan!

Well, the blogosphere's a little more welcoming with the addition of Suzanna Logan to the neighborhood.

Suzanna hung out with
Robert Stacy McCain at CPAC last week, and she's being mentioned as a young conservative with a bright future (very bright ... click for pictures).

Suzanna was blogless at the conference, but not any more. She's here to tell you how in the world she threw caution to the wind and created her own Blogger home:

During CPAC last week, I found myself in the fortuitous position of being introduced to Taki's Magazine's golden boy Mr. Spencer (we both knew it was coming), or as he is more commonly known, not least to himself, "The All-Important Magazine Editor.” (He will from here on be known as TAIME.) At first glance, he's one of those charm fellows we all adore so. At second glance, he’s … well, actually, I didn’t get a second glance. Why? I was bloglesss.

Sure, we could attribute his almost immediate leave of absence from the bar where we were chatting to a lack of chemistry, a mutual and instant dislike, my having forgotten to apply deodorant that night, etc. But it’s much more fun to assume that it was actually a result of my admitting without requisite shame that not only did I not have a blog but I had little intention of starting one.
You'll have to read the rest for the clever resolution, and be sure to leave a comment. Jimmie at Sundries Shack is getting in a good word before Suzanna's blog takes off like Barack Obama coffee mugs!

And since I'm linking around, don't miss a click through to Taki Mag's, The Sniper's Tower.

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