Friday, May 8, 2009

Mainstream Bigotry and Racism on the Democratic-Left

I've long documented the most vile bigotry and racism on the left end of the dial. During the 2008 primaries, we witnessed some of the most disgusting racism and sexism in decades. And across the blogosphere, the most reprehensible racial slurs and bigoted attacks on conservatives are considered fair game, penetrating social "commentary," and biting "satire."

Take TBogg's post yesterday, for example, and his Sambo logo above.

If any conservative blogger or columnist were to post a black Sambo eating a watermelon the entire netroots would erupt in feigned outrage at the modern day lynching. But it's standard operating procedure on the left. Michael Steele was
attacked as Sambo himself. And recall Jane Hamsher's blackface attack on Senator Joseph Lieberman. And via Memeorandum, Roy Erdoso's literally got a post up this morning entitled "Black Comedy," calling out Red State's outstanding post which hammers President Barack Obama's shameful hypocrisy and malign neglect for black kids in D.C.'s school voucher program.

The truth is that leftists don't care about the advancement of minorities, they care about the advancement of their own power.

Remember the hardline radical street protests against Proposition 8 last November? They were largely organized by a white gay elite that
systematically denigrates and repudiates the political and social programs of poor inner-city blacks. And on the street, blacks were attacked with racial epithets, and statewide the black community was excoriated for joining forces with the "evil" Mormon sponsors of the initiative.

And don't forget the recent smears of bigotry and racism against patriotic Americans who marched by the hundreds of thousands on April 15th to protest Democratic spending and taxing programs. In a representative slur, Janeane Garofalo attacked traditional Americans as "
racist rednecks."

But, of course, the nihilists endlessly deny leftist bigotry and intolerance, for example, at my Garofalo post, where
Repsac3 suggested that "No single individual is representative of the whole group." So true, that's why you have to link around to show just how common leftist bigotgry is today. What we find is that genuine, widespread, and MAINSTREAM bigotry in contemporary American politics is on the radical left end of the spectrum. See more of this at American Nihilist, "Impending Arrival of BlackState."

Note too
yesterday's leftist bigotry in Matthew Yglesias' slur against heterosexuals as "breeders." In response, Yglesias demonstrates his pure hypocrisy by attacking those who dare raise the question of his bigotry as "the humorless right."

So it's just barrel of laughs for those on the collectivist left. Posting
Sambo logos to attack conservative arguments against Democratic anti-opportunity policies is just "humor." That's right, it's just fun and games when Keith Olbermann gives huzzahs and high-fives in support of Janeane Garofalo's disgusting racism (see "Olby and Garofalo salute Michael Steele’s racial “self-loathing”").

And of course I'd be remiss not to include Daily Kos in this roundup, where we can still find the rabidly anti-Semitic essay, "
Eulogy before the Inevitability of Self-Destruction: The Decline and Death of Israel."

Don't forget that Kos and his friends on the bigoted left are "
the mainstream of Democratic Party."

No wonder Senator Lindsay Graham exclaimed this week that "
if we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us."

Hat Tip:

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