Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Town Halls of August: A Chronicle of the Goons

From Mary Katherine Ham, "The Town Halls of August: They're Here, They're Conservative, Get Used To It":

What we learned in the last month is that people who have been energetically organizing, filling town halls and high-school gymnasiums, and staging protests for most of their lives are more than a little dismayed to find out that the other side can do it, too. There will always be a risk of unrest at any political protest, left or right, and that risk increases with the emotion and energy surrounding the debate. And it will always be important to call for civility in heated debates, and to treat public forums and our right to speak in them with the respect they deserve.
Read the whole thing, here.

Outstanding chronicle of leftist thuggery, which puts the lie to the Democrats' claim that conseratives are "political terrorists."

Image Credit: The People's Cube, "OBAMACARE: Yes It Can Bite Your Finger Off!"

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