Thursday, January 14, 2010

Scott Ritter, Former U.N. Weapons Inspector, Busted in Poconos Child-Sex Sting

At the N.Y. Post, "Poconos sex sting leads to arrest of former chief UN weapons inspector":

A former UN arms inspector was busted in a kiddie-sex-sting after contacting what he thought was a 15-year-old girl in an Internet chat room that ended with him masturbating on a webcam, authorities said.

Scott Ritter, 46, who served as the chief UN weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, is accused of contacting what turned out to be a Pennsylvania cop posing as a teenager.

According to the affidavit, the cop said he was a 15-year-old named "Emily" during an online chat room on Yahoo! when he was contacted by someone using the screen name "Delmarm4fun."

Ritter told "Emily" he was a 44-year-old male from Albany.

"Emily" told Ritter she was from the Poconos, at which point Ritter asked for a picture other than the one "she" had posted on her account.

Police said that's when Ritter then sent her a link to his Web camera and began to masturbate.

"Emily" asked Ritter for his cell phone number, which he gave her during the February 2009 conversation.

Ritter again asked "Emily" how old she was. Told "she" was 15, Ritter said he didn't realize she was a minor and abruptly turned off his cam, saying he didn't want to get in trouble.

Ritter then told "Emily" he had been fantasizing about having sex with her, to which she replied: "Guess you turned it off."

That's when Ritter replied, "You want to see it finish" -- turning his webcam back on until he ejaculated, police said.
RTWT at the link.

Also, from the New York Times, "
Ex-U.N. Weapons Inspector Is Charged in Child-Sex Sting."

And at Gateway Pundit, "
Former UN Arms Inspector & Bush-Basher Busted in Sex Sting."

Hat Tip: Pocono Record (via

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