Sunday, June 27, 2010

Radical Feminist Hate Mail of the Day

It's not hate mail, actually (but close enough). It's a STFU Tumblog, "STFUSexists." And I guess that includes me, and I'm targeted for extra STFU-ing for my neocon-ishness. See, "Another neo-con with a woman problem → ...":
Now, I’m not expecting much from someone with a No-Bama icon who thinks that Melanie Griffith has written books about why the right wing is awesome, but if you’re claiming to be a political blog, be a f*cking political blog. Even if you’re a stupid political blog, even if your political blog has no basis in reality, be a f*cking political blog. Objectifying women doesn’t count as “culture analysis”. So cut it the f*ck out, and stick to what I’m sure is your wealth of knowledge on foreign policy and the educational system or whatever.
That's just the conclusion, so RTWT.

And the record, I can't stand feminist ayatollahs, and amazingly, you find them on both the left and right. It's an ideology of hate and anti-rationalism. STFU sums up the views perfectly, and since this lady, "Miss Olga," blows off Melanie Phillips so breezily content-free, we'll put her in the "
Own Goal" category. Folks really do need to make an actual argument if they want to be taken seriously, which is why I like debating conservative women like Cassandra and Opus 6, who don't care for objectification too much either but they're more than able to defend their positions.

And by the way, if you're not reading her, check out Cassy Fiano for the best feminist deconstruction in blogosphere.

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