Saturday, July 24, 2010

Affirmative Action Gone Wrong

From Al the Fish (via Blazing Cat Fur):
At this point in time I have to admit I used to be a swivel servant employed by the Government of Canada. While serving my time, I had the opportunity to apply for many jobs within the Public Service.

I can attest that as late as 2007, the application process involved either a paper or on-line application form. At the very end of the form, the applicant was afforded the opportunity to voluntarily self-identify if they belonged to an an underrepresented group in the Public Service. At the time the underrepresented groups included women; first nations' persons; visible minorities; and persons with a disability. The explanation for the collection of that data was that the information could be used as a tie-breaker in screening applicants. Should two persons score equally, if one fell into an underrepresented group, they could be chosen ahead of the other person, only if the competition's initial posting specified that criteria could be used.
The rest is a must read.

Woman denied government job because of race." (That would be Sara Landriault, who is white, and pictured here: "Race prevents Kemptville woman from applying for job.")

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