Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hezbollah Ambush of IDF Troops at Lebanon Border

YNET has the story, "IDF: Journalists were tipped off."

Journalists and photographers were briefed in advance of the intention to ambush IDF troops and were therefore present at the site of Tuesday's deadly clash between Israeli and Lebanese forces, IDF officials charge.

The lethal skirmish ensued after IDF forces performing routine operations in a border-area enclave came under Lebanese fire. The Israeli troops fired back, killing three Lebanese soldiers and a local journalist.

The killed correspondent, Assaf Abu Rahal, worked for Hezbollah-affiliated Beirut daily al-Akhbar.

Another journalist, Ali Shuaib from Hezbollah's al-Manar station, was wounded in the incident and was taken to hospital for treatment.

IDF officials raised questions about the presence of journalists and even broadcast trucks at the scene even before the clash ensued, charging this further reinforces suspicions that the incident was a well-planned Lebanese ambush.
But see the detailed report from Melanie Phillips, "Here we go again...":

About the strategic significance of these events and their possibly momentous consequences for the region and world peace, the western public is today -- thanks to the uselessness and worse of the mainstream media -- almost wholly ignorant.

Phillips cites Yossef Bodansky, "Clash on Israel-Lebanon Border Holds Potential for Strategic Escalation."

But you don't get the full story at FDL, naturally: "
IDF Tree Removal Kills Three in Lebanon."

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