Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Leftist Feminist Death Spiral

William Jacobson has a canny ability to really dig down to the heart of an issue. And this essay is gold, "Rachel Maddow Sexualizes Christine O'Donnell."

An almost 15-year old video was all the excuse Maddow needed to take the story national. Because the fate of the nation turns on whether O'Donnell masturbates, at least to Maddow.

One can understand why Alan Colmes would get all excited about the subject, but why the person who runs the liberal feminist blog Feministe?

Because liberal feminism is dead, and has been for years.

Liberal feminism began its death spiral no later than when Democratic Party loyalists defended serial abuser Bill Clinton and demonized his victims (right around the time of O'Donnell's interview, as coincidence would have it).
The liberal feminist death march has continued through the sexualized attacks on Sarah Palin and other conservative women in more recent times.

But, it's not like I didn't see this

Via Memeorandum.

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