Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mike Castle is RINO — Sadly, Add Karl Rove to the List

Mike Castle's RINO. All I needed was to see his speech on the House floor — opposing the surge in Iraq. I would have never voted for him. I'm learning more now. He voted for cap-and-trade? What a joke. And now we've got Karl Rove. He's pissed off the base big time with his comments pissing on Christine O'Donnell last night on Hannity. O'Donnell's responded, calling out Rove for his dishonest remarks on her record:

Everything that he is saying is un-factual. And it’s a shame because he is the same so-called political guru that predicted I wasn’t going to win. And we won and we won big” ... “So I think, again, he is eating some humble pie and he is just trying to restore his reputation.”

You might be RINO if you attack insurgent tea party candidates in 2010. Karl Rove is disgraceful here.

Dan Riehl's got the uptake from last night: "Last Night's Winners And Losers In Media And Politics."

RELATED: I looked ahead to the general election matchup on Twitter last night, and AoSHQ has more: "Five Reasons O'Donnell Could Win." And check Michelle as well: "Soros Republican Castle Won't Back O’Donnell."

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