Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Because Conservatives Are Good People by Nature

"Conservatives always seem surprised by the activities of the Left. In the last three years of running HillBuzz, I honestly have come to believe that’s because conservatives are by and large really good people by nature. They are stunned, perpetually, by the actions of the Left because the Left consistently does things conservatives can’t imagine one human being doing to another. Because they would never do these things to people, conservatives can’t imagine other people ever doing them."

That's Kevin DuJan, who's been mercilessly targeted by the left for excavating the depths of Democratic Party demonology. See, "
Learning from the Left’s response to this weekend: what to do the next time the Left decides to politicize a tragedy?"

Meanwhile, via John Hawkins, "
Liberals Loved The Gabrielle Giffords Shooting."

And at Atlas Shrugs on the hardline progressive left, "
The Face of Hate." And once more from Michelle, "The Progressive “Climate of Hate:” An Illustrated Primer, 2000-2010."

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