Thursday, May 19, 2011

Update on Carl Salonen For the Record

First, I'd like to apologize to my many loyal readers and supporters, some of whom I communicate with regularly, and some unknown to me but appreciated. This last couple of weeks of blog wars with the progressives from Lawyers, Guns and Murder, Sadly No!, et al., have been extremely disturbing personally. What started out as more or less my regular anti-communist blogging has developed into something with apparently high stakes for some of the subjects of my writing. The distortions, lies, evasions, and demonizations have probably by now taken the record for the most sustained depravity I've dealt with in my 5+ years of blogging. And that's saying a lot.

In any case, I'm getting back to my regular blogging routine, providing lots of high-quality content and commentary for readers. The semester's winding down, and I'm finding more time for reading and writing. Here though I wanted to be on record with some things that I discovered today. I wrote the Esquire/World Net Daily post earlier today, and while commenting on how Doug Mataconis fell for the prank I linked to the Sadly No! attack on Sasquatch Israel. Clicking the link later tonight I checked the comments, which was difficult, but still, I noticed that "actor212" was leading the discussion, with his exclamation that I'd found Tintin's post on the "tailpipe fuck."


Linked at the comment is my entry on Sadly No!'s attack on Don Surber as fornicating with an exhaust pipe (click through for the disgusting Photoshop). Mindboggling mendacity, I know, but I'm just warming up here. Recall that "actor212" is Carl Salonen, a smug and chunky one at that. Responding to him, Malaclypse enters the thread and indicates that "It would be very, very wrong to photoshop Donalde showing his love of Sasquatch."


That's sick.

Anyway, my (other) longstanding nemesis (James Casper) has been getting off on all of this, so I decided to drop a non-profane comment in the thread pictured, but he deleted it --- four times. Racist Repsac3 is one of the most hardcore free speech blog administrators online, but he wouldn't let this one through, despite the specific omission of actor212's identity. Maybe he didn't want that link to actor212's comment at Sadly No!, although that's an ad hoc adjustment. Racist Repsac3 = Casper keeps moving the goalposts:


Anyway, my investigation is continuing, and as we can see, things are picking up. Meanwhile, referring back to Amy Alkon's blog, folks might review her essay, "The Attack On My Book":

Grown adults, like a 52-year-old unsuccessful actor in New York City named Carl Salonen, are part of an attack at Amazon by the Tiny Little Thugs (aka in hopes of hurting the sales of my book. Their blog item is here.

Salonen, most vilely, posted a "review," now removed, calling me "Arnold Alkon," harkening back to their old attacks at their site calling me a tranny and asking whether I have a penis, etc.
Amy's got the links back to the sick fucks at Sadly No! It turns out that actor212 reposted one of his "reviews" of her book to the Sadly thread:


I'll update this post with some additional links and screencaps, bringing in Scott Eric Kaufman's libelous allegations of pedophilia at the most recent Sadly attack on American Power. And I've got more information and screencaps forthcoming as well. This is the daily routine with these people, and Carl Salonen is the Sadly No! ringleader in the comment threads, and perhaps more.

Until then ...

RELATED: Here's the longer post from yesterday afternoon, on Israel's Nakba incursion, in response to a post from Charli Carpenter at Lawyers, Guns and Murder. I'll have more on Charli Carpenter later as well. As I've argued previously, she's destroying her reputation by associating herself with these pathetic losers.

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