Sunday, July 24, 2011

Booman Tribune Endorses Norway Massacre in Demands for Economic Redistribution

This is a really convoluted take on the diabolical massacre mounted by the fundamentally crazed criminal madman Anders Behring Breivik.

See Booman Tribune, "Remembering History." There's a discussion of the rise of fascism in the twenties and thirties, then Booman shifts over to a psychotic rationalization for the violence, and suggests the left may adopt the same murderous tactics if the rich don't relinquish their wealth:
The horrible tragedy in Norway appears to have been carried out by one man. But his political beliefs are widespread and can lead quite naturally, and almost logically, to murder or even genocide. Similarly unrestrained reactions from the left can lead to violence against elites or even, in their view, confiscatory tax policies.

Rich people would be well served to remember that people will not stand by while they're living the high life if they have no jobs and are losing their homes. Our people are pretty well hypnotized by our televisions, so complacency has worked in our elites' favor even during this economic recession. But there is a snapping point. Like popcorn, at first it's just one or two kernels exploding. But the first kernels to pop are a precursor of what's to come.

Rather than grabbing their wallets, they ought to, you know, spread the wealth around. We'd all be better off in the long run.
This is frankly deranged.

I'm currently reading Anders Behring Breivik 1,500-page manifesto. I'm about a third of the way though, but Breivik's comments on capitalism are so far culturally anti-globalist and anti-transnational. Yet, Breivik's also fairly libertarian on markets (but still reading, so we'll see). But most of all is the fanatical hatred of progressivism and multiculturalism. There's literally nothing so far I've read that would lend itself to conclusions Booman's making. Folks can interpret this as they wish. The Norway murders were simply those of a criminal mastermind who'd had it with Europe's long march to multiculturalism. I'm seeing little similarities to the kind of economic disillusionment that gave rise to the specific ideological extremism in post-WWI Germany, or to European fascism in general. Breivik's responding to developments in post-WWII cultural Marxism. So while the Norway killer attacks leftism and identifies as culturally conservative, it's not the case of a coherent ideological program of Nazi-derived Aryanism or a more general tendency to brown-shirt politics. No doubt there are fine lines, but if someone leaned one way or the other reading this, it'd unlikely be toward the kind of command totalitarianism Booman champions. The dude (Booman) is sick.

PREVIOUSLY: "Anders Behring Breivik — No Clear Ideological Program." AND: "Just Awful: Progressives Ecstatic Over Anders Behring Breivik Alleged Ties to Right-Wing Extremism."

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