Sunday, July 24, 2011

Norway Shooter Plagiarized 'Unabomber'

Actually, most of the manifesto was cut-and-paste with some personal commentary thrown it. Anders Behring Breivik was simply rounding up information to pull together some kind of program of resistance and revolution. It was fascinating reading. I spent a couple of hours looking over that thing. And that was just skimming, stopping to read passages, and then skimming some more. It's a huge paper. In any case see Telegraph UK, "Norway shooting: Anders Behring Breivik plagiarised 'Unabomber'."
The 32 year-old appears to have quoted verbatim large sections from the preaching of Theodore Kaczynski in his 1500 page online rant.

Breivik had “copied and pasted” almost a dozen key passages from the 69 year-old’s 35,000 manifesto, only changing particular words such as “leftist” with “cultural Marxist”.

It remains unclear what his motivations were, but experts said it appeared he had taken “inspiration” from Kaczynski whose two decade parcel-bomb terror campaign killed three people and 29 injured others.

Despite meticulous university thesis-style referencing through the manifesto, Norwegian bloggers discovered that passages quoting Kaczynski were not credited.
RTWT at the link.

PREVIOUSLY: "Anders Behring Breivik's Manifesto."

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