Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Public Divided Over Occupy Wall Street Movement

This should send some tingles down the legs of the Occupier-in-Chief's communist base.

At Pew Research, "Tea Party Draws More Opposition than Support."

About four-in-ten Americans say they support the Occupy Wall Street movement (39%), while nearly as many (35%) say they oppose the movement launched last month in New York’s financial district.

By contrast, more say they oppose the Tea Party movement than support it (44% vs. 32%), according to the latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted Oct. 20-23 among 1,009 adults. One-in-ten (10%) say they support both, while 14% say they oppose both.
If the media bothered to cover the endemic anti-Semitism, public defecation, rat-infested conditions, outdoor sex, and revolutionary communism, I doubt you'd see this level of support. That's why bloggers are essential to getting the truth out on these idiot commies. See: "'Occupy Wall Street' Almost Entirely Socialist/Marxist."

IMAGE CREDIT: Bosch Fawstin, at Pajamas Media, "Seven Images That Will Make The Occupiers Cry."

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