Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chief Justice Roberts Sided With Court's Progressives to Upheld Constitutionality of ObamaCare

I'm not surprised by today's ruling. I noted previously (somewhere around here) that the Court's decision on Arizona's SB 1070 was a warning against premature football-spiking. Chief Justice John Roberts, I suspect, is being extremely careful about preserving the institutional legitimacy of the Court --- and by extension, the legacy of "the natural court" under his leadership.

Check the New York Times, "Supreme Court Lets Health Law Largely Stand," and the Los Angeles Times, "Chief justice leads Supreme Court's support of healthcare law." (Via Memeorandum.)

Ann Althouse has an analysis of the ruling: "Chief Justice Roberts writes an opinion limiting the commerce power and the spending power." And see Lyle Denniston, at SCOTUS Blog, "Don’t call it a mandate — it’s a tax (UPDATED)." And see the ruling plus related documents here: "National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius."

Finally, Neal Munro at the Daily Caller captures the essence of the decision, "In 5-4 decision, Supreme Court rules Obamacare constitutional": The individual mandate in Presid

ent Barack Obama’s health care reform law has been upheld, as a tax, in a 5-4 decision by the United States Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court’s Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four-vote bloc of progressive judges to uphold the sweeping law, after reinterpreting it as a tax-related law.

The majority opinion, authored by Roberts, said the federal government does not have the constitutional power to compel “individuals to become active in commerce… [so] the individual mandate cannot be sustained.”

But in a stunning move, Roberts reinterpreted the law, allowing it to stand, because he said the federal government has the constitutional authority to tax people — even though the law’s advocates originally denied it was a tax while pushing for its approval in 2010. The Obama administration later argued that it was a tax.

He and the four progressive judges upheld the far-reaching law as a tax law.

Roberts then said the court is not deciding whether the law is fair or wise.

“It is not our role to forbid it or comment on [the law’s] fairness,” said Robert’s decision, which was opposed by four GOP-nominated judges, including Justice Anthony Kennedy, widely considered the court’s swing vote.


And keep checking back here for updates and analysis, and other unrelated blogging, like babe blogging!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide

At Wall Street Journal, "Republican Split Decision: Romney Had a Good Night but Santorum Has Cause to Fight On."

Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP DivideRepublican elites are aching to declare this race over and take aim at Mr. Obama. The fear is that the intraparty debate is hurting the GOP brand and the image of the candidates. Some of that is inevitable in any primary campaign, but November is a long way off and the American public hasn't concluded that Mr. Obama deserves another term.

Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP DivideThe hand-wringing is fruitless in any case. The voters are in charge and their split decision shows that Republicans still haven't settled on a standard-bearer.

Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
Super Tuesday Reinforces GOP Divide
See also John Avlon and Ben Jacobs, at The Daily Beast, "No Clear Path to Victory for Romney" (via Memeorandum).

Monday, February 20, 2012

Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary

Mitt Romney really can't lose Michigan. He grew up there, a favorite son, and a loss would demonstrate just how badly his claim to inevitability has collapsed.

At Public Policy Polling, "Michigan GOP race tightens" (via Memeorandum).

Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Gains Ground in Crucial Michigan GOP Primary

Also at The Hill, "Slouching toward nomination, Romney needs win in Michigan" (via Memeorandum).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Santorum Victories Set New Time for GP Race

Republican long shot Rick Santorum poked holes in Mitt Romney's aura of inevitability Tuesday night with a trio of upset victories that shifted the dynamic of the 2012 presidential contest.

Santorum Victories Set New Time for GP RaceThe former Pennsylvania senator's wins in the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and Missouri primary were setbacks for Romney, the national front-runner, who had been expected to cruise easily through a series of relatively minor February voter tests. He must now wait three weeks to regroup, when Arizona and Michigan hold what suddenly are shaping up as unexpectedly important primaries.

Santorum Victories Set New Time for GP RaceIn remarks to delirious supporters in St. Charles, Mo., Santorum took a swipe at Romney's big advantage in money and the negative ads he's used to defeat his opponents in previous states. He also lashed out at President Obama, describing him as someone "who thinks he knows better" and doesn't listen to the American people.

Santorum Victories Set New Time for GP Race"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't stand here to claim to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney. I stand here to be the conservative alternative to Barack Obama," Santorum said, setting off chants of "We pick Rick!"

Santorum Victories Set New Time for GP RaceReflecting what he sees as the altered shape of the race, Santorum told CNN that "now we're in a little bit of a no-man's land" as the candidates move into states where they haven't had months, or years, to campaign.

Santorum Victories Set New Time for GP RaceRomney, who won Minnesota four years ago, was running a weak third behind Santorum and Ron Paul.

Speaking to a deflated crowd of backers in Denver, Romney said he was "pretty confident" he would come in either first or second in Colorado's caucuses, his last hope for salvaging a bad night. But hours later, state Republican Chairman Ryan Call announced over CNN that Santorum had won.

He congratulated Santorum and said that he looked forward to coming contests and a united party when the primaries ended. But he also struck a pose as a populist outsider, speaking of his father's humble roots and casting himself as the antidote to the problems in the nation's capital.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rick Perry Slams Obama Administration's Response to Marines Pissing on Dead Taliban

Well, maybe Perry can expand on this during Monday's presidential debate. What a chance to call out the progressive left for its epic America-bashing and hypocrisy.

Rick Perry Slams Obama Administration's Response to Marines Pissing on Dead Taliban
Rick Perry Slams Obama Administration's Response to Marines Pissing on Dead Taliban
Rick Perry Slams Obama Administration's Response to Marines Pissing on Dead Taliban
Rick Perry Slams Obama Administration's Response to Marines Pissing on Dead Taliban
Rick Perry Slams Obama Administration's Response to Marines Pissing on Dead TalibanAt Los Angeles Times, "Rick Perry: Marines who urinated on dead bodies are 'kids'." And at USA Today, "Perry slams Obama team's response to Marines video."