Thursday, July 22, 2010

'Not All Journalists Are Jerks' — And Then There's JournoList

"Not All Journalists Are Jerks."

So says Jolie O'Dell: "Not All Bloggers Are Journalists":

In fact, I have to apologize on behalf of my entire profession for how you have been treated by a few bloggers, whom I’ll have the tact to not name here. There are bloggers who know and care nothing about real journalism, who see this profession as an opportunity for short-term gain at anyone’s expense, who find no joy in it and who dream only of fame in the now and a lucrative exit thereafter. These people are not journalists; they are self-serving scum. And they’ve royally fucked up how a lot of people see my profession.
Bold is in the original at the quote, but I want to highlight the last two sentences again, with reference to JournoList: "These people are not journalists; they are self-serving scum. And they’ve royally fucked up how a lot of people see my profession."


Checking back over at Ms. O'Dell's page we find: "How to Tell a Journalist from a Blogger," and this gem:

Objectivity is a word oft-repeated in journalistic circles. The journalist strives for this: Neutrality, freedom from bias, absolute truth, facts unsullied by emotion. We cannot settle for “both sides of the story.” We must tell all sides of the story, and we must represent each side fairly regardless of our individual beliefs and views.

Yeah. Right.

I wonder what planet Ms. O'Dell lives on? And this was written yesterday to boot. Maybe this journalist should actually look around and see the utter collapse of "objective" journalism before writing such complete bull. (And I write this not as a "blogger," but as a "political scientist," and by that I mean my professional title that allows me to stand on a freaking pedestal and make a damned fool out of myself as does Ms. O'Dell in her sublime idiocy of journalistic conceit.)

In any case, there's lots more on JournoList today. See, for example, "After JournoList Exposé, No One Better Ever Deny Liberal Media Bias Again." And, "Ousted official Shirley Sherrod blamed Fox, but other outlets ran with story" (via Memeorandum).

IMAGE CREDIT: Verum Serum, "Journolist: Japanese Tentacle PrOn Edition."

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