Sunday, July 18, 2010

Calling New York Times: Congressman John Lewis was NOT 'Showered With Hateful Epithets Outside the Capitol' Last March

Having previously posted one big essay on alleged tea party racism, I saw another New York Times report at Memeorandum --- on the generational divide over racial issues in America --- and I thought I'd check it out with an open mind. The essay is by Matt Bai, one of the Times' most prominent political writers: "Beneath Divides Seemingly About Race Are Generational Fault Lines." The piece starts out with a breezy little introduction about Newt Gingrich's idea for town halls featuring both the tea parties and the NAACP, and then I get to this passage, which is jaw-dropping:
The question of racism in the amorphous Tea Party movement is, of course, a serious one, since so much of the Republican Party seems to be in the thrall of its activists. There have been scattered reports around the country of racially charged rhetoric within the movement, most notably just before the vote on the new health care law last March, when Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, the legendary civil rights leader, was showered with hateful epithets outside the Capitol.
Say what?

"Showered with hateful epithets outside the Capitol"?


See, "
Case of Two Liars: MO Dem Rep. Cleaver’s & GA Dem Rep. Lewis’s Racism Lies Exposed — Videos Prove Deception of Democrat Party."

This bogus racism episode is immediately recognized by rank-and-file conservative activists, but it's apparent that the Beltway media cocoon is impenetrable to evidence disproving the corrupt leftist media memes.

This gets tiring after a while. Although it's sick to realize that potentially 10s and 10s of thousands of non-insiders reading this story will be propagandized with these bogus images of regressive "hateful" tea party mobs surrounding one of the great icons of the civil rights movement, it's just one more example of why I can't trust the press on hardly anything political nowadays.

At the YouTube description:
Since this video was first posted. John Lewis and the Congressional Black Caucus have claimed they were called racial slurs by Tea Party members opposed to Obamacare.

As you can see in this video, there is no evidence of the so-called "N-word" or any other slur being used, despite the claims of the CBC and their lapdogs at CNN, NBC, MSNBC, See BS.
Also, check Marooned in Marin for full coverage of the D.C. events, "Rally Against Obamacare In DC - March 20, 2010 (VIDEO & PHOTOS)."


ADDED: Linked at Andrew Bolt and Instapundit!

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