Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Check Out Who's on JournoList

From Melissa Clouthier, "Journolist IS A Big Deal: Check Out Who We Know Is On The List So Far":


Think the list should be dismissed as irrelevant? Mark Levin published a list. I'm including them all here:
1. Ezra Klein

2. Dave Weigel

3. Matthew Yglesias

4. David Dayen

5. Spencer Ackerman

6. Jeffrey Toobin

7. Eric Alterman

8. Paul Krugman

9. John Judis

10. Eve Fairbanks

11. Mike Allen

12. Ben Smith

13. Lisa Lerer

14. Joe Klein

15. Brad DeLong

16. Chris Hayes

17. Matt Duss

18. Jonathan Chait

19. Jesse Singal

20. Michael Cohen

21. Isaac Chotiner

22. Katha Pollitt

23. Alyssa Rosenberg

24. Rick Perlstein

25. Alex Rossmiller

26. Ed Kilgore

27. Walter Shapiro

28. Noam Scheiber

29. Michael Tomasky

30. Rich Yesels

31. Tim Fernholz

32. Dana Goldstein

33. Jonathan Cohn

34. Scott Winship

35. David Roberts

36. Luke Mitchell

37. John Blevins

38. Moira Whelan

39. Henry Farrell

40. Josh Bearman

41. Alec McGillis

42. Greg Anrig

43. Adele Stan

44. Steven Teles

45. Harold Pollack

46. Adam Serwer

47. Ryan Donmoyer

48. Seth Michaels

49. Kate Steadman

50. Matt Duss

51. Laura Rozen

52. Jesse Taylor

53. Michael Hirsh

54. Daniel Davies

55. Jonathan Zasloff

56. Richard Kim

57. Thomas Schaller

58. Jared Bernstein

59. Holly Yeager

60. Joe Conason

61. David Greenberg

62. Todd Gitlin

63. Mark Schmitt

64. Kevin Drum

65. Sarah Spitz
Let's see, folks from the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time and Newsweek magazine. These are not children. These are people we're supposed to respect as objective, "smart" (a friend said this about the whole notion of "smart": I do get weary of the left needing to apply the word "smart" to themselves all the time. To make that distinction, "a smart...conversation" as opposed to all the stupid ones that don't involve them; because if they don't involve them, they are by definition stupid...), and fair.

Uh huh.

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