Friday, July 23, 2010

JournoList Just Might Save America, You Wingnut Scum

At People's Cube:
I simply cannot believe my eyes when I see all of this faux outrage being hurled at the participants of the online progressive chat-forum formerly known as JournoList. I cannot believe the attention this non-story is receiving by the wingnut contingent that makes up the American media, nor can I believe that Ezra Klein -- an astounding young man -- was compelled to shut down such an intellectual venture.


Big deal, a couple hundred journalist and academics openly supported the first African-American presidential candidate who had an actual shot at the presidency and an even more shot at possessing the political capital needed to fix a thing or two wrong in our country. What I simply cannot fathom now is how venomous the right is in this McCarthyite witch hunt of theirs which is manifestly turning into an angry racist lynch mob.

Scores of angry, hate-filled white male fascist are swarming upon the noble, gentle Ezra Klein in their frothing desperate effort to ruin his career, livelihood and even his existence. All the while, mind you, Tucker Carlson sits in his giant Southern plantation house like that jackbooted racist that he and his co-conspirators really claim not to be. You aren't fooling us, Tucker -- that bowtie of racism might be gone, but we know all too well your necktie is just as racist if not super racist, you racist! I am really fed up with these racist NASCAR retards and their retarded hatred for the first African-American president (because we all know it is about the first African-American president and his skin color. All these people do is dwell on skin color. That darkish color. The color of the skin of the first black president. Those racist.)

Some of my moderate friends -- who I suspect are closet racist and close to becoming de-friended on Facebook -- would argue that some comments on JournoList, like the Limbaugh death fantasies, went a little bit too far. Pish posh, you closet racist! Rush Limbaugh is solely responsible for single mothers on welfare continuing their dependence on welfare. How would you feel if Rush Limbaugh talked about your struggle being single, a mother, and on welfare? Why, you would feel demoralized and would stay on that welfare! I know I would, I love me some welfare -- well, I love it to the extent that I am forced to love it when Limbaugh & Co. (including Tucker Carlson) berate me to the point that I feel obligated on asking for continual government assistance.

These same moderate friends, who I think are racist, go on to lambaste JournoList participants for suggesting that the government should revoke Fox News' broadcasting license. I see no controversy in this matter and would go further to say it is a nontroversy (my word) and a matter that should be explored. I mean, honestly, hate-speech is hate-speech and Fox News is the premier trafficker in all things hate. They even hate the first African-American president solely because of his color. These people at Fox News are obsessed with skin color and race and the fact the first African-American president is African-American and Glenn Beck and O'Reilly and Greta all just focus intently and rant on and on they rant about his skin color, and race, and his wife and her color and how they feel about color just racist and, and, I'm losing track just thinking about color and how Fox News thinks of color all day, every day, twenty-four seven. Racist. These people are racist and we need to discredit them as such -- for political purposes, the children, and the like, of course.
More at the link.

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