Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shirley Sherrod May Sue for Defamation: 'Andrew Breitbart Came at Me'

Check The Blog Prof, "Fired USDA bigot official Shirley Sherrod says that Breitbart website ought to be shut down":
Shirley Sherrod is a racist, classist, Marxist bigot. She told the NAACP a story of discriminating against whites as a USAD official to which the NAACP crowd drooled all over themselves. She then said that she reformed her bigotry to discriminate by class rather than race, but somehow suggested that those that oppose Obama's unconstitutional takeover of healthcare is racist. So much for her purported reformation.

And Dan Riehl really put on the game face. See, "In Defense of Andrew Breitbart." (Via Memeorandum.)

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