Monday, July 19, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Resigns

See the reports at Big Government and The Other McCain.

And check commenter
Jan's remarks at my earlier post:
This is just about one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard! Racism is racism. Period.

The old "we are victims" mentality is getting a little old, and I, for one, am sick of it.

I'm white, and I was born, and brought up, in the South. My stepfather was a sharecropper, working for what amounted to a few commodities, and about enough money for shoes for us kids when school started.

We all worked in the fields, planting, hoeing, and then picking cotton, along with all the other work that goes into surviving another day.

We didn't have any handouts, nor did we ask for any. And guess what? When my stepfather found a regular job, and we moved away, nobody gave us forty acres and a mule. None of us kids got a free education, paid for by taxpayers, and none of us ever got a job handed to us on a silver platter, because of the color of our skin, or because of anything that happened to our relatives a hundred years ago.

It's about time that we all were treated equally, and fairly, no matter what our skin color happens to be, nor how badly any of our ancestors may have been treated in the past ...
Comment continues at the link.

Added: At Instapundit, "RACIST, FIRED: USDA Official In Breitbart Video Goes Under The Bus. Meanwhile, Breitbart promises more to come."

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