Sunday, July 18, 2010

'Is There Anything You Can Do to Stop Them?'

I've had an e-mail exchange with one of my readers regarding the libelous slams on American Power from Lawyers, Gays and Money and RepMasterHater3.

She responds with this query:

Donald ... the things they've written are horrible, and it seems that their intent is to wear you down, if nothing else...but implying that you are a pervert into juvenile porn is beyond that ... I'm sure that you have been pushed to the limit of your patience with them, though, which is understandable ...

Your last email arrived as I was writing this ..., Donald. Is there anything you can do, legally, to stop them? If not, then perhaps the best thing would be to totally ignore them ... even so, I don't think that would stop them, either. I hate to see your family suffer because of them. They have no shame ... and no conscience. It is sickening to realize that people like that are all around us, and make such a mockery of everything, holding themselves up to be moral men.

This is a real e-mail from a longtime reader. I don't make stuff like this up, as do those who carry out their entire existence on a life of lies and destruction.

But to answer the question, in the case of Scott Eric Kaufman, I could contact the UCI Department of English and report his libelous allegations of juvenile sex offense. I'm not planning to at the moment however. I did put that possibility out there in public, in the comments at LGM, so these idiots will think about how deeply they wish to submerge themselves in the encrusted depths of evil. As for HateRingleaderReppy3, I've requested numerous times that he and all of his demon sheep post their real identifications with work contact information at American Nihilist. Naturally, they've not done so. It's just too easy to smear and defame people of good moral standing and threaten their families when you're hiding behind a pseudonym. It's all part of the life online, fighting the hate, and to quit or give in somehow would be a victory of evil over goodness. And I won't let that happen.


ADDED: From ace commenter Dennis below, "Remember each time your opposition has to resort to these kinds of attacks they lose and also demonstrate that their ideology cannot survive in the marketplace of ideas."

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