Sunday, October 2, 2011

Herman Cain, America's Candidate, Catchin' the Big Mo'

Hermain Cain's catchin' some big momentum, and he deserves it.

For example, Michael Barone gives him a huge shout out: "Time to raise Cain to contender status" (at Memeorandum). And Barone points us to Daniel Henninger's piece this week, "Taking Cain Seriously":

Conventional wisdom holds that this week's Chris Christie boomlet means the GOP is desperate for a savior. The reality is that, at some point, Republicans will have to start drilling deeper on their own into the candidates they've got.

Put it this way: The GOP nominee is running against the incumbent president. Unlike the incumbent, Herman Cain has at least twice identified the causes of a large failing enterprise, designed goals, achieved them, and by all accounts inspired the people he was supposed to lead. Not least, Mr. Cain's life experience suggests that, unlike the incumbent, he will adjust his ideas to reality.

Herman Cain is a credible candidate. Whether he deserves to be president is something voters will decide. But he deserves a serious look.
PREVIOUSLY: "Signs of Rising Momentum for Herman Cain." Linked there is The Other McCain, who continues his outstanding Herman Cain coverage. See, "Herman Cain Rhymes With Hurricane: Fund-Raising Surges in Third Quarter." And click "home" over at McCain's to get his commiserations on the lack of recognition for his Cain coverage.

BONUS: From Jonathan Tobin, "Re: Herman Cain?"

Also, at WaPo, "Presidential candidate Herman Cain says Christie is too liberal for Republican conservatives."

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