Saturday, October 1, 2011

Radiohead Hoax at Occupy Wall Street

I see no mention of it at the Occupy Wall Street Twitter feed.

But see DNAinfo, "Occupy Wall Street Apologizes for Getting 'Hoaxed' By Radiohead Claim." And at Village Voice, "How Occupy Wall Street Got Hoaxed: The Email From Radiohead's 'Manager'."

And at Instapundit:
NOT READY FOR PRIMETIME: Occupy Wall Street protest, swelled by Radiohead hoax, marches on NYPD HQ, but gets lost. I would be harsher on these people, but given how thoroughly Obama has been in bed with Wall Street, and vice versa, it’s hard for me to get very excited.
And this just in at DNAinfo, "Occupy Wall Street Protesters Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge." And New York Post, "Wall St. protesters shut down Brooklyn Bridge." Yeah, that's gonna build a lot of support for the movement:
One irate driver, a Ground Zero construction worker, blasted the pedestrians.

"I work my ass off all day, and these goddamned hippies close down the Brooklyn Bridge so I can't get home?" he said. "This ain't right!"

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