Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Herman Cain's Mojo

I mentioned that Herman Cain was catchin' the big mo' over the weekend. And he's really got it going this week. At WaPo, "Rick Perry slips, Herman Cain rises in bid for GOP nomination, poll finds":
After a quick rise in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has experienced an almost equally dramatic decline, losing about half of his support over the past month, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Perry’s slide, which comes after several uneven performances in candidate debates, has allowed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney to resurface atop the GOP field. But the most direct beneficiary of the disenchantment with Perry is businessman Herman Cain, who is now tied for second place.

Also at Public Policy Polling, "Cainmentum" (via Memeorandum). Cain's rise could be temporary, and this sounds pretty accurate:
The Republican race has always been pretty wide open, but never more so than it is now. The fact that Cain and Gingrich, pretty much given up for dead just a few weeks ago, could have this kind of poll surge is really indicative of how weak anyone's support is right now- very few Republican voters are strongly committed to a particular candidate and most of them can shift in a heart beat. I'll be pretty shocked if Cain is still leading our state polls a month from now but if there's any lesson to be learned from the GOP race at this point it's not to be surprised by anything.

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