Monday, October 3, 2011

'The Insidiousness of Racism'

I saw WaPo's article trending yesterday, "At Rick Perry’s Texas hunting spot, camp’s old racially charged name lingered." Governor Rick Perry used to have a Texas hunting ranch near Paint Creek that he used for gatherings and political events. Apparently, a huge rock with the name "Niggerhead" greeted visitors at the entrance gate. The New York Times picked up the story today, stating that the "latest flare-up ... injected the issue of race into the Republican nominating fight..." Interesting how this "flare up" was completely invented by the mainstream press. I doubt folks really care about some old rock painted with an offensive moniker that was not only painted over when Perry's father took lease of the property, but had been turned upside down as well. But the Democrat-Media-Complex continues its endless jihad to portray conservatives as racist bastards, and "Niggerhead" must be the moment's perfectly ugly remnant of the South's racist past.

And still, the responses are over the top, especially from Ta-Nehisi Coates at The Atlantic. That's his term, "the insidiousness of racism." And it is that, the real racism that historically infected society, as I've reported here many times from personal experience. But Ta-Nehisi is one of the left's most prominent institutional race-mongering asshats. He literally lives and breaths racial victimology. It's not that we're occasionally confronted with the wildly bigoted old codger who still uses racist epithets and could care less what folks think. No, with Ta-Nehisi and his ilk every singular example of racist bigotry is an indictment of the whole of American white society. Forget for a moment that we now have a black president. Forget that it's now almost 60 years since the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. Nope, for progressives no benchmark of progress is enough. To recognize even the slightest vestige of racism's past is to provide progressives with yet another hammer against their political enemies.

So let's be honest: There's no defending this "Niggerhead" rock. But show me the Texas Republicans who paint similar rocks at their hunting grounds. Where are they? I doubt there are many, since the old Jim Crow racism is more repudiated than ever. In any case, see Michelle's piece on this, "Rick Perry and the Macaca Media":
The same lib media outlet that took down George Allen over a dunder-headed moment on the campaign trail in order to perpetuate the GOP=racist meme is trying to kick up dirt over a stone — a stupid stone — that has been painted over and turned over for years.

What does it say about Rick Perry? Nothing. Nada. Zip.

While the Post tries to impose an old narrative on Perry and squeeze blood from a stone, the reality is that Perry has gone out of his way to pander to left-wing impulses on race.

This is the guy that has disparaged his own base as racist in two separate GOP debates.

Follow that link.

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