Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Romney-Cain Ticket

Reliapundit and I were talking about it last week: "COULTER ENDORSES ROMNEY-CAIN."

And now Coulter is putting that pitch into overdrive, on Sean Hannity's, for example. At Lonely Conservative, "Ann Coulter: How About a Romney/Cain Ticket?"

Frankly, I'm still pulling for Michele Bachmann, but time's running out, and money. At Time Magazine, "New Hampshire Staff Exodus Augurs End Times for Bachmann Campaign." Also, from Allah, "Iowa: Cain 37, Romney 27, Paul 12, Gingrich 8."

Folks know I respect Mitt Romney, and I do think a Romney-Cain ticket would be attractive. So, let's see how things play out. The consensus is that Romney's the one. See LAT, "Mitt Romney may win the GOP presidential nomination by default."

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